Hi, I'm Celia

I love vegetables and I can make you, too... love them too.

I like its flavors, textures, colors and versatility.
But it wasn’t always like this! And if you ask my mother, she’ll be happy to tell you about it. 😅

When I finished my culinary studies, a whirlwind of hours of work in gourmet restaurants, new flavors, after-work meetings, cuts and burns began. I shared knowledge and cooking with important chefs of the international gastronomy and I had the opportunity to direct and organize kitchens, already as Chef, with firms such as Hilton, Único Hotels or Torre de Canyamel group.
But many years before, I already liked to cook.

and this is my story...

My grandfather Anselmo worked the land every day and from a very young age he took me to play in the fields. We would pick sprigs of wild fennel and he would give them to me to suck on as we walked. On days when we worked in the fields, the whole family would get together and then sit around the fire to eat. Cooking with my grandmother Petra was my favorite part. I would sit with her peeling potatoes and onions and roasting red peppers on the coals.

and this is my story...

Initiating myself in macrobiotic nutrition and Ayurveda made me stop, remember this part of my life so close to nature and that I had forgotten so much, and start being aware of what I ate, how I ate it and what I felt in my body when I ate it. My diet and my values changed and vegetables went from being a side dish to being at the center of all my recipes.

I decided to change the restaurants for the kitchen of your house and the tasting menus for a good plate of lentils.

Today I can say that I am happy when I hear that you have never tasted artichokes like this before or that you have finally forgiven legumes…

More than 20 years of gastronomic experience, put into QIBO, so that you can enjoy the flavors of vegetables and their benefits.

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