Conscious and natural food

QIBO food is born to bring vegetables closer to your table

It arises from the need to eat consciously, to increase the consumption of vegetables and reduce ultra-processed foods within a lifestyle that does not leave much time for it.

Want to get closer to QIBO?
QIBO food accompanies you with a natural, conscious and plant-based diet. Recipes full of flavors and colors, elaborated with the vegetables that the earth gives us, in every season and with seeds, whole grains, legumes and fermented foods in a natural way.

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I’m Celia and I’m the person behind QIBO. Well… behind, in front, on the sides, sometimes below and sometimes above.
There is a phrase I learned, studying macrobiotic cooking that says: We are what our body assimilates from what we eat. I would say that, in addition, we are what we assimilate from the environment around us, from the people we meet throughout our lives, from the experiences and the land we walk on.
From the time I was born until QiBo was born, 37 years have passed. All those people, experiences and places have nourished me and guided me to create this project that is about just that, feeding and nurturing.